Building clearance pruning

Prevent damage to your property and reduce fire risk by creating a safety zone around your home

Do your trees, palms and other large plants overhang your building structure?

If so, you should consider building clearance pruning as a matter of urgency. One of the biggest contributing factors to fire risk is trees, palms and other large plants being too close to your buildings.


It’s recommended that you have at least three metres of clearance between trees, palms, large plants and your building structure (ten metres in bushfire risk areas) to reduce the risk of fire damaging your property. Arb Culture’s specialist building clearance pruning service is designed to remove foliage in line with safety recommendations. We can also assess your property to determine whether any trees or other plants may need to be removed.

Boost the performance of your solar panels

Keeping trees clear of your building also has a number of other benefits:

To book a one-off or scheduled pruning, contact us today.