Ecological Services
Conserving native habitats and species has never been more important than it is today. As keen lovers of the natural world – and part of it – Arb Culture takes its ecological responsibilities seriously. We regularly partner with leading ecologists to provide ecological services to councils, property owners, charities and other special interest groups.
Whether you’ve discovered a sensitive habitat in or near your property, or are charged with preserving an endangered species’ home, Arb Culture’s carefully designed low-impact services can help.
Protecting the powerful owl in West Pennant Hills
Recently, we undertook a three-day project in West Pennant Hills to retrieve surveillance equipment monitoring powerful owls and to install an awning and drainage system for a large hollow they have been using. We carried out this work in partnership with Corey Mead of Treehouse Ecology.
Powerful Owls are endangered: last year, this hollow flooded – killing two owl chicks. This project aimed to reduce the risk of this happening again, to give the next generation of chicks a better chance of survival. Treehouse Ecology has been monitoring the area for the last two years to compile data on the owls, which will help with the conservation and protection of the species in years to come. The surveillance equipment will be reinstalled next year when the breeding season starts again.
In addition, Arb Culture has been carrying out ongoing work with Treehouse Ecology to install habitat hollows to help compensate for reduced nesting sites for wildlife across New South Wales.

Our ecological services
Arb Culture can undertakes a wide range of ecological services for a range of clients across Sydney and NSW. With over 15 years of arboricultural experience, the team – led by Adam Newton and Flavio Leite – are fully insured and qualified (AQF Certificate III in Arboriculture) for all aspects of ecological services, emergency work and more, including in difficult or inaccessible locations.
Our ecological services are based around a low-impact ‘leave no trace’ approach, ensuring sensitive bushland and habitats are not disrupted by our presence or activities. We use industry standard safety processes and techniques on every job. Every branch is carefully positioned before release, and we observe all working safely at heights regulations and accreditations.
Our extensive experience working with multiple councils in the Greater Sydney area, and our partnerships with leading ecologists means that we can provide you with accurate, professional recommendations every time.